Bruce Sterling has launched an augmented reality product with Layar coder Menno Bieringa, German media artist Aram Bartholl and Layar artist-in-residence Sander Veenhof: "With Sterling's 'Dead Drops Layer,' users can scan the horizon for handy Dead Drops that might be lurking nearby. A few taps and clicks create a map that will lead to the site. Network users can then plug their laptops directly into the 'Dead Drops,' which are commonly embedded in brick walls and almost invisible."
Bruce Sterling's Augmented Reality project
- augmented reality
- Happy Mutants
- mobile
A Star Wars-themed AirBnB
Earth and Sky Dwellings, a vacation property host in Asheville, North Carolina, has just announced a new vaguely STAR WARS-themed residence for rent. Technically called "Phoenix," to avoid any explicit… READ THE REST
Where to find Boing Boing in news and content referral sites
As folks' reading habits change online, we are always looking to make sure Boing Boing is available to you in whatever format you choose to read us in. We've long… READ THE REST
Sam Barsky has knitted 160 of his fabulous sweaters depicting famous landmarks, but he doesn't sell them because he wears them "every day, all the time"
For several years now I've been utterly delighted by "knitting and nature" enthusiast Sam Barsky, who has been knitting sweaters for over two decades. His sweaters feature depictions of famous landmarks… READ THE REST
This sleek turntable isn't your grandma's record player
TL;DR: Play your 33/45 vinyls in style with the mbeat® Bluetooth turntable, which comes with two bookshelf speakers for $209.97 (reg. $299) through September 25! What's not to love about vinyl? Our… READ THE REST
Find leads, close deals, skip the headaches—get AroundDeal for $49.99
TL;DR: A lifetime subscription to AroundDeal's Growth Plan is just $49.99 (reg. $299) for a limited time. Leads, prospects, sales pipelines—if these words make your head spin, it's time to simplify your life.… READ THE REST
This all-in-one emergency pouch might just save you from nasty blisters and cuts
TL;DR: Bring the Sidekick IFAK pouch when you're hiking or camping so you can be prepared for minor injuries or emergencies, now on sale at this unbeatable price: $59.99 (reg. $74)! Sturdy… READ THE REST