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Libya: Don't shoot, we're TV

Image: REUTERS/Paul Hackett. In Libya today, the Gaddafhi regime appears to be crumbling. Members of the media mark white flags with TV initials at the Rixos hotel in Tripoli, Libya, August 21, 2011. Heavy gunfire rang out near the Tripoli hotel where members of the foreign media are staying, a Reuters correspondent at the hotel said on Sunday. According to various sources on Twitter right now, most government security and minders have abandoned the Rixos. Matthew Chance of CNN just said that at least one Gaddafhi gunman with a green bandana is in the hotel lobby. International journalists are trapped on an upper floor.

A Reuters liveblog on the fast-developing situation in Libya is here. Robert Mackey is liveblogging at the NYT Lede blog.

Here's the NYT's list of who to follow on Twitter for Libya coverage. Here's another good list of journalists who are inside Libya. And NPR's Andy Carvin has continued his "Twitter Anchoring" today, as he has diligently over the past 8 months or so. Follow him today for coverage of Libya, Syria, and other active hotspots.

Al Jazeera's video coverage is the one to watch.

Julian Assange at the Wikileaks twitter helm, always with just the right words at just the right time, wins inappropriate tweet of the day award:

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