This vintage illustration actually depicts a modern spacesuit in development at Draper Laboratory. The suit has built-in sensors for measuring inertia and flywheel gyroscopes to tweak the resistance of movement in the suit so that the experience is more Earth-like. From Draper Laboratory:
"This spacesuit concept will provide a platform for integrating sensors and actuators with daily activities to maintain and improve astronaut health and performance," said Kevin Duda, a senior member of the technical staff in Draper's Human Centered Engineering Group, and the principal investigator for the spacesuit project.
In addition to stabilizing astronauts in space, the suit could also be used to help reacclimate them to the feel of gravity upon return to Earth or other planetary destination. Outside of space, the suit could be adapted for uses including medical rehabilitation to assist in rehabilitation and physical therapy for individuals affected by stroke, spinal cord and brain injuries, as well as the elderly population, as they relearn the proper way to execute common movements by introducing strong resistance when they do not take the proper path.
"Draper Spacesuit Could Keep NASA Astronauts Stable, Healthier in Space"