Happy Labor Day cookout, everyone! Maggots, worms, metal, plastic, a razor, and semen are but some of the many non-food substances callers claimed were in their hot dogs, in complaints lodged with the U.S. Department of Agriculture between 2007 and 2009.
More from Stephen Rex Brown, writing for The Local East Village, a NYT blog:
Back in 2009, this reporter filed a Freedom of Information Act request asking the U.S.D.A. to give up its dirty-dog logs. The 64 case files finally came in this week, just in time for the holiday! Consider them food for thought if you're planning to grill during these last dog days of summer.
(…) One report told of a "winged insect that resembled a dragonfly inside the package of hot dogs," and noted that the insect's "head, eyes, and wings are visible. Insect is black in color, over 1-inch long."
Of course, some of us are grossed out by the actual stuff that goes into hot dogs on purpose—random flesh and leftover critter parts. Veggie dogs for me, please.
More hot dog horror stories here, and view the actual documents here. If. You. Dare.
Image above: shards of glass were found in this package of hot dogs, according to a USDA complaint.
(thanks, Daniel Maurer and Jason Wishnow!)