Boing Boing

Remembering John Sex

[Video Link]

Last night, Boing Boing pal Richard Metzger gave a talk and retrospective at Cinefamily in Los Angeles (both Mark and I were there).

Among the rare video gems and related stories Metzger presented was this music video (directed by Metzger himself!) for club personality John Sex. How did he get that hair, you might ask? "Egg whites, Dippity Doo, and semen," Metzger explained.

There's a wonderful retelling of the John Sex story online at Dangerous Minds. Boing Boing readers of a certain age who remember this era of New York City counterculture nightlife will feel nostalgic.

And as the director warned last night, "This video is so eighties you're gonna fucking go blind when you watch it."

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