Boing Boing

New look

Having moved Boing Boing to WordPress, the old design hung loose on its bones. It's time for an update!

The revision is simpler than before, with a smaller bandwidth "footprint", less clutter, and more whitespace. Boing Boing now has a fluid layout that adapts to different browser and device sizes, instead of serving a separate mobile website. Make the browser window smaller (or access it from a cellphone or tablet) and you'll get a single-column layout.

People who have larger displays, on the other hand, will see more, including background art at the widest widths. If you'd like to suggest or submit your own work, please do! We're planning on having a neat 'hide site' switch so people can see suggested background art in all its glory.

At the top, there are now links to our podcast, Gweek, and to a new category, B-side, which is for unwieldy or alarming amusements that don't fit well on the homepage or in the main RSS feed. It's rather empty now, but I can assure you there is no shortage of 5MB animated GIFs waiting to be posted.

Apart from a few other modern touches (and a few old ones — hit j and k to scroll between posts!) there's not much else to boast of. Given how time-consuming this project was, it's easy to see the temptation of radical change. A new platform means you're starting from scratch, after all. The best thing about that, though, is we can now make smaller, smarter changes much more easily. Tell us your thoughts in the comments!

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