Boing Boing

Maker Faire and the growth of DIY

(Photo by Jeffrey Clark)

Gwen Moran of Entrepreneur magazine interviewed me about MAKE and Maker Faire. The article came out today (and so did the paperback edition of my book Made by Hand).

The Maker Movement is also touted as a boon to education because of the science, technology, engineering and math components necessary for many inventions. In a September 2010 speech at the New York Hall of Science, Thomas Kalil, from the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, encouraged young people to become makers, saying, "After all, we wouldn't teach kids how to play football by lecturing to them about football for years and years before allowing them to play."

Recent Maker Faire events have showcased inventions with the clean lines of professionally designed prototypes instead of the "cobbled together from scrap materials" look, Frauenfelder says. Seed Studio in Shenzhen, China, is an open hardware developer that ups the invention ante into electronics and peripherals. "When I was an engineer in the mid-'80s, the software was expensive. Now, Google's SketchUp is a thousand times more powerful, and it's free," Frauenfelder says.

Maker Faire and the Growth of Do-It-Yourself

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