Boing Boing

Documentary about collectors: Finders Keepers: The Heart of Collecting

[Video Link] Patrick Rosenkranz is the author of an outstanding history of underground comics, Rebel Visions: The Underground Comix Revolution. He just emailed to let me know that he has completed a documentary about collectors of all kinds of things, including "antique telephones and talking machines, confectionary molds, snowglobes, handcuffs, breweriana, and other interesting artifacts." It's called Finders Keepers: The Heart of Collecting. The trailer looks good!

The snow globe collector has a good take on collecting. He says: "I don't think of myself as a collector. I actually don't like to collect. I have a collection of snowglobes that I think of as having happened to me, rather than really starting out with any intention." I couldn't agree more. The most interesting collections are the side effect of an obsession.

Finders Keepers: The Heart of Collecting

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