The British company Varnish recently hung a massive bra across a London skyscraper to draw attention to the "Wear It Pink" Cancer-awareness campaign. Photo above. Guinness World Records awarded it "World's Largest Bra," but famed prankster Joey Skaggs is calling bullshit on that. In 1969, Skaggs made a 120-foot-long bra and hung it on Wall Street as a commentary on many men's obsession with large breasts. Video above. From HuffPo:
"There was a woman named Francine Gottfried, who was an office worker on Wall Street who had very, very large breasts," Skaggs told HuffPost Weird News. "When Francine would go out to lunch many Wall Street workers would point, stare, whistle and hoot."
Skaggs says he finally was able to show his support for Gottfried — and all women — on Valentine's Day 1969, when, with the help of friends, he tied one end of the bra to the outstretched arm of the statue of George Washington in front of the U.S. Treasury building on Wall Street.
After stretching the bra across the front of the building and tying the other end to a column, Skaggs waited to see the reaction to his work.
It wasn't good.
"When the flood of workers going to lunch saw what was happening, they became enraged," he said. "Hundreds of men attacked the bra and ripped it to pieces."
"Joey Skaggs: World's Largest Bra Record Should Be Mine"