Boing Boing

Superman saves man hit by car

Medical doctor Heng Khuen Cheok saw a pedestrian hit by a car in Melbourne, Australia on Saturday. He rushed to help but was initially rebuffed. Why? Because he was dressed as Superman — part of his bachelor party hijinks that evening.

"One of the man's friends was crouching next to him and he took one look at me in my Superman costume and was telling me to go away," Dr Cheok said.

"He relaxed a bit when my friend told him we really were emergency doctors."

Together with the injured man's friend, they stemmed the bleeding to the victim's forehead and kept him stable until an ambulance arrived.

A swelling crowd of bewildered passers-by thought the incident was a set-up.

"It's a bird… it's a plane… it's an ER doctor"

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