Boing Boing

US House of Representatives: Internet pirates

TorrentFreak continues to crawl through YouHaveDownloaded, a database of IPs that have been logged by a BitTorrent-spying tool run by some folks in Russia. They've already revealed the downloading habits of the RIAA and DHS as well as the behavior detected at Nicholas Sarkozy's official residence, and now they're publishing stats on the US House of Representatives.

The House, of course, has been mired in Internet controversy since Rep Lamar Smith introduced his Stop Online Piracy Act, which establishes a regime of national censorship in the name of fighting copyright infringement. So it is with some amusement that TorrentFreak points out that more than 800 of the IP addresses assigned to the House of Reps were involved in copyright infringement over BitTorrent, according to the YHD database. There's a big trove of self-help books in there, with titles like "Crucial Conversations- Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High," and who knows, maybe that's what Mr Smith was reading when he decided to sell out America to Hollywood?

Something that immediately caught our eye are the self-help books that are downloaded in the House. "Crucial Conversations- Tools for Talking When Stakes Are High," for example, may indeed be of interest to the political elite in the United States. And "How to Answer Hard Interview Questions And Everything Else You Need to Know to Get the Job You Want" may be helpful for those who aspire to higher positions.

Books tend to be popular in the House because we found quite a few more, including "Do Not Open – An Encyclopedia of the World's Best-Kept Secrets" and "How Things Work Encyclopedia". But of course the people at the heart of democracy are also downloading familiar content such as Windows 7, popular TV-shows and movies.

And there was another category we ran into more than we would have wanted too. It appears that aside from self-help books, House employees are also into adult themed self-help videos. We'll list one of the least explicit here below, but that's just the tip of the iceberg.

As for me, I'm just shocked (and a little bit heartened, to be honest) to learn that there's someone in the House who knows how to use the Internet.

While Drafting SOPA, the U.S. House Harbors BitTorrent Pirates

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