Boing Boing

Gym membership? Check. Times I actually went? Once…

Does this sound like you? All New years resolutions start with good intentions, but as the year unfolds, so do many of our resolutions… not to mention our waistlines. What if personal fitness was easy AND enjoyable, would you make the time? What if your exercise machine could also help you unwind and entertain with family and friends?

Introducing the Endless Pool, the intelligently designed personal fitness pool for the 21st Century.

Imagine your own compact, temperature controlled swimming pool, installed just steps from your home or office. About the size of a compact sedan, the Endless Pool can be installed in virtually any indoor-outdoor space, including basements, garages, rooftops and more. And because the Endless Pool uses less space, less water, less chlorine and requires less maintenance than a traditional pool, it's the green alternative to pool ownership.

What's more, the Endless Pool creates an adjustable speed, perfectly smooth swim current that you can run or swim against. Whether for pure swimming, weight loss, endurance training, therapy or just family fun, the Endless Pool is the whole package, and more. Are you ready to get fit and stay fit in 2012?

View our quick :60 video to learn more and request a free idea kit to see our full line of products for any budget, application or location.


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