Boing Boing

Wool 1-5 Omnibus: gripping Kindle read

I'm not always the biggest fan of Amazon's recommendations, buying books and toys for my daughter frequently leaves me with a screen of Dora the Explorer and Strawberry Shortcake titles. I was skeptical when I bought Wool by Hugh Howey but figured .99 was a small risk.

This story is terrific. I was completely immersed, watching Howey slowly paint a picture of a society gone wrong through the eyes and discovery of some truly compelling characters. I really don't want to give so much away as each short novella adds more clarity and resolution to the questions of "What the heck is going on here?" and "How did this get so screwed up?" It is compelling in its anthropological analysis of human development and became harder and harder to put down as the you learned, along with the characters, how and why their society performs as it does.

You can buy the Kindle eBook of Howey's first installment via the link above or buy the entire collection of 5 stories (the later ones are much longer than the first) here: Wool 1-5 Omnibus by Hugh Howey

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