Boing Boing

Kickstarter: False Profit

Pundit Award winning writer and film maker Dan Abrams joins forces with Science Channel's Josh Zepps and Second City legend Jeff Michalski to film a mockumentary on the causes of the 2008 economic collapse.

Abrams and Zepps are writing with Michalski directing. If ever there was a high percentage chance for funny, this would be it. While I don't know Abrams and Zepps personally, Jeff Michalski is an amazing director, comedian and friend.

If it looks good to you, please contribute.

And as the world crumbles, everyone is asking one question: "Who's to blame?" Eugene Kramer was a simple Iowa farm boy who brought his folksy wisdom to Wall Street at an entry-level trading job in 2004. His sunny moral principles propelled him to the top — and unwittingly inspired his fellow bankers to unleash a global economic catastrophe. And that was just the beginning… From the credit crash to the auto bailout, from the Euro crisis to Occupy Wall Street, Eugene Kramer caused it all. And now it's up to him to fix it.

False Profit is a hilarious satire told in the sober style of an investigative documentary, through talking-head interviews, mocked-up archival footage, re-enactments, and the visceral live action of a day-in-the-life documentary crew trailing this elusive young titan through the corridors of power. Despite its authoritative tone, it's a gleefully absurdist farce in the mode of Arrested Development and Best in Show.

Kickstart False Profit

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