Boing Boing

3 days until the release of "The Art of Daniel Clowes: Modern Cartoonist"! (…plus your chance to win an autographed copy today)

…and our countdown continues with more Clowes oddities that couldn't be included in the book.

Design dept:

Daniel Clowes: "The only valuable class I took in art school was from a guy who taught display lettering which was literally like sign painting. Everybody else was like, 'Aww man, I can't believe I have to take this cornball class,' where I was front and center every week. Still to this day I use everything I learned in that class."

Clowes created this font for the movie Art School Confidential.

Various examples of Clowes's handlettering.


Four unused proposals for the cover of "The Art of Daniel Clowes: Modern Cartoonist.

We are fortunate to have worked with Jonathan Bennett, who designed every aspect of the book. He's not only an exceptional designer but an accomplished cartoonist. Here's an a comic he recently did for Spin magazine: Nevermind

Early on, Jonathan Bennett flew out to Oakland to work with us on the book. He stayed in the Clowes' guest apartment/basement and left behind a comic depicting his experience one of those nights. I don't think he sleeps.

The Art of Daniel Clowes: Modern Cartoonist will be available April 1st. Order a copy today from your local bookseller, the publisher, or Amazon. OR: Enter our contest for a chance to win a copy of the book autographed by Clowes. Throughout the countdown, one winner will be picked at random every day, so check for the daily code. To enter, send an email to with your mailing address (only US mailing addresses are eligible and no PO boxes please) and put in the subject line today's contest code: thedeathray. Winners are being posted here.

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