Boing Boing

Sandra Fluke Responds to Latest Attack by Limbaugh Over Student Loans

"Contraception isn't enough — some people want their education paid for by other people too," says Rush Limbaugh, whose bizarre obsession with the sex life of law school student Sandra Fluke made him a global laughingstock earlier this year.

MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell invited Georgetown University law student Sandra Fluke to respond to Rush Limbaugh's latest attack on her, this time for daring send out a tweet on the fact that interest rates are going to to up on student loans if Congress fails to act shortly. Fluke was gracious as usual and discussed how ridiculous it was to accuse her of some kind of "coordinated" attack with the Obama administration.

As she noted, if she wants to know what the President is doing, she finds out like most of the rest of us and uses Google. Fluke pointed out that the changes were not doing to directly affect her, but they would greatly impact incoming students and fellow students she interacts with daily, who really cannot afford the rate hikes, which might make the cost of going to college prohibitive for those just on the edge of being able to afford it right now.

Sandra Fluke Responds to Latest Attack by Limbaugh Over Student Loans (Thanks, Jason!)

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