The Transportation Security Administration launched the "TSA Cares" program to assist disabled fliers just four months ago, but a story making the rounds today proves that the TSA definitely does not. The Frank family was traveling from New York City's JFK airport to Florida, and were abruptly pulled aside after a dispute over how their 7-year-old daughter Dina was screened. The child is developmentally disabled and has cerebral palsy. She walks with crutches and leg braces.
With her crutches and orthotics, Dina cannot walk through metal detectors and instead is patted down by security agents. The girl, who is also developmentally disabled, is often frightened by the procedure, her father said. Marcy Frank usually asks the agents to introduce themselves to her daughter, but those on duty on Monday were exceptionally aggressive, Joshua Frank said, and he began to videotape them with his iPhone.
"And the woman started screaming at me and cursing me and threatening me," he said.
Read more: The Daily, and CBS Washington, DC. The child was previously featured in a happier CBS local news story about how she became able to walk after a treatment involving Botox and Phenol injections.
Here's the best part! The TSA has issued a statement defending the screeners. Snip: "TSA has reviewed the incident and determined that our officers followed proper screening procedures in conducting a modified pat-down on the child."
(via Meteorological Musings, thanks Boomer!)
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