Boing Boing

Itty bitty cabin previously featured on Boing Boing for sale


In 2010, I posted an item about a family that built a 180-square-foot shack on a 5-acre property in British Columbia. Today, Tammy told me that they are selling the cabin and the property. The asking price is $229,000, which includes a 1990 Chevy Blazer and a propane refrigerator.

Tammy writes:

We love our cabin, and it breaks our hearts to give it up, but, ironically, it's responsible for this decision. It helped us realize that we want to be live outdoors in the mountains every day, not just weekends and vacations. We briefly sported with the idea of building a bigger cabin (we have an AWESOME primary building site on our property that's even better than where our little cabin sits) so that we could live on Gambier Island year round, but the boys would have to take a boat to school every day, which would be pretty wearisome after the novelty wears off.

We've always loved Nelson, BC (a little town in the Kootenay Mountains; imagine a cross between Portland and Boulder, and that's Nelson, sort of), and fantasized about living there, so we finally decided to just go for it. We're moving this summer. The problem is that Nelson is nine hours by car from Vancouver — too long for regular commuting. We thought about keeping the cabin for summer vacations, but realized that (a) we're not fancy rich people, and (b) we want it to be loved and used regularly by people who need an urban escape pod just the way we did.

We'd love to match the cabin up with the right new owners.

Gambier Island cabin + 5 acres for sale

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