Boing Boing

On The Price is Right today, a certain bald blogger with breast cancer in the audience

Watch the Price is Right today! Boing Boing pal Drew Carey very kindly invited me to attend a taping of The Price is Right while I was going through chemo, because the experience of attending a TPIR taping is hilarious, awesome fun. It worked, too: I didn't puke all day! A TPIR taping is like an evangelical revival meeting, where everyone worships LOL—and Drew does a lot of insane improv with the audience between the bits that actually end up on camera. If you ever have an opportunity to go, you must. Anyway, watch today's show (May 2, 2012). If you look closely, you'll spot a bald lady with no eyebrows or eyelashes next to a handsome gentleman in the second-to-the-front row of the audience. That would be me and Miles O'Brien.

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