[Video Link] Follow the instructions on this video and prepare to be freaked out.
(Via Doobybrain)
[Video Link] Follow the instructions on this video and prepare to be freaked out.
(Via Doobybrain)
Daniel Wirtz thought he was watching a child prodigy at work. The 9-year-old girl on a German game show was solving complex spot-the-difference puzzles in seconds. "To my eye, both… READ THE REST
This is a viral example of pareidolia, a psychological phenomonenon that causes us to see meaningful things in nebulous stimuli, most famously faces. But the caption it comes with—"Does this… READ THE REST
A passenger was minding their own business on a recent flight when they came face-to-face with what looked like ET's homelier cousin. "I ALMOST LANDED THIS PLANE MYSELF" they Xitted,… READ THE REST
TL;DR: Save 44% on the MagTag through February 23, a credit card-shaped tracker card that'll help you never misplace your wallet, luggage, or passport holder. We've all been there, feeling the impending… READ THE REST
TL;DR: BitMar's a streaming content finder that hunts down free, ad-free content from across the web. Pay $14.99 once for lifetime access with promo code BITMAR5 until February 23. Streaming services have become like that… READ THE REST
TL;DR: Get lifetime access to Babbel's language-learning platform for $129.99 with StackSocial's promo code LEARN40 until February 17. Learning a new language doesn't just open doors to new cultures — it rewires your brain in… READ THE REST