Boing Boing

Daydream Vacation- "Dare Seize the Fire" (MP3)

Sound it Out # 28: Daydream Vacation- "Dare Seize the Fire"

I'm pretty sure Dave Einmo is some kind of pop music savant. He has a band called Head Like a Kite in which he's the only consistent member and where he combines movie samples with rock-leaning electronic grooves and often has interesting guests join in with vocals. One of those those singers on last year's Dreams Suspend Night was Asya, formerly of the band Smoosh (Remember Smoosh? They were the band of cool tween sisters from Seattle that you saw all in all the "bands to watch" lists 6-7 years ago…they were like the anti-Hanson. Asya started singing for Smoosh when she was 12. She's 20 now).

So, Asya's first song with Head Like a Kite was called "Daydream Vacation" and she and Dave recently decided to be a full time band called just that. I like it that Einmo named Head Like a Kite after a lyric from The Shins and that Daydream Vacation is a play on Sonic Youth's Daydream Nation. This is a man who is not afraid to pay tribute.

Daydream Vacation's debut, self-released record is called Dare Seize the Fire and they've generously offered this free download of the title track. (If the HTML5 widget below doesn't work for you, you can go here to listen). It's an extremely fun, summery song that went directly onto most of my playlists.

If you happen to be in Seattle, you might want to head on over to their record release party on Saturday night. It should be a fun time.

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