Randall "XKCD" Munroe's "What If?" site continues to shine — and possibly even to outshine his most excellent webcomic. This week, Randall (whose background is in robotics), looks at what would happen in a robot uprising. He's rather sanguine about this, given the general uselessness of robots in the field.
Those robots lucky enough to have limbs that can operate a doorknob, or to have the door left open for them, would have to contend with deceptively tricky rubber thresholds before they could get into the hallway…
Hours later, most of them would be found in nearby bathrooms, trying desperately to exterminate what they have identified as a human overlord but is actually a paper towel dispenser…
Battlebots, on the face of it, seem like they'd be among the most dangerous robo-soldiers. But it's hard to feel threatened by something that you can evade by sitting on the kitchen counter and destroy by letting the sink overflow.