Exploding washing machines?

The rise of the machines has begun. Apparently, dozens of washing machines from numerous brands are "exploding" and UK consumer product watchdog magazine Which? is investigating. The typical story involves the glass door of the washing machines violently shattering, possibly caused by the drum splitting apart while the machine is on high spin. From The Telegraph:

Adrian Porter, Home Product Researcher at the watchdog said the problem first appeared 18 months ago but the number of cases had risen sharply in recent months.

The forum Whitegoodshelp has been collecting stories from those who say they have been affected…

Mr Porter said: "This hasn't happened to any washing machines during our lab tests, so we have been unable to observe it in laboratory conditions and follow up with a proper analysis.
"But going through the accounts, there are theories ranging from hair cracks in the glass, or even that the glass
is just thinner than it used to be. Still, nothing has been confirmed."

"Consumer watchdog investigates exploding washing machines"


Dining room table spontaneously "exploded"