Boing Boing

CryptoParty: like a Tupperware party for learning crypto

CryptoParty is a global movement for people who want to teach their neighbors how to use cryptography to protect themselves from snoopers, especially broad government surveillance. It was kicked off by @Asher_Wolf in response to the broad, sweeping Australian Internet surveillance bill, and involves throwing parties where folks who know how to use disk encryption, email encryption, and similar projects teach their neighbors to use it too.

There's a crowdsourced book — "The CryptoParty Handbook," 400+ pages written in less than 24 hours by activists all over the world — and other instructional materials to help you get started.

What is CryptoParty? Interested parties with computers, devices, and the desire to learn to use the most basic crypto programs and the fundamental concepts of their operation! CryptoParties are free to attend, public, and are commercially non-aligned.


(via Techdirt)

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