Boing Boing

Designing a cardboard chair

Dan Goldstein has been working on a cardboard chair prototype for six years, and he has come up with something he liked enough to launch a (successful) Kickstarter campaign to put it into production.

Goldstein has been building prototypes of this chair for over six years now and they have survived constant use in his house. He says, "As long as you don't leave them in the rain they will last. I have IKEA furniture that is de-laminating and these are still fine. It's just four layers of basic, heavy duty cardboard from any type of box and once you've laminated it over a mould it just kind of sticks in place."

In fact, one of Goldstein's aims is to change the way we think about cardboard. As the material is generally used for disposable products such as boxes and containers, we perceive the material as having a very short life span. Goldstein wants to change this perception. "One of the aims is to make cardboard into something permanent. It is always just used in boxes that we toss away but it doesn't have to be that way. That is one thing I like about the steel frame base, it puts it in the context of something durable and permanent."

Above: Working out the design of the base.

Upcycling: Designing the cardboard chair

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