Students from Tufts University who attended this year's Macy's Parade were showered with confetti made from shredded, confidential Nassau County police files. The shreds revealed the identities of undercover officers, including their SSNs and bank details.
"It landed on her shoulder," Finkelstein said, "and it says 'SSN' and it's written like a Social Security number, and we're like, 'That's really bizarre.'"
Finkelstein, a Tufts University freshman, said he and his friends were concerned and picked up more confetti that had fallen around them.
"There are phone numbers, addresses, more Social Security numbers, license plate numbers and then we find all these incident reports from police."
The documents were apparently from the Nassau County Police Department.
Police documents found in parade confetti [UPI]
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(Image: IMG_2528.JPG, a Creative Commons Attribution (2.0) image from supa_pedro's photostream)