Math is a subject dreaded by many. A museum dedicated to math may seem counter-intuitive, but The New York Times has the story:
The reason that there haven't been many math museums is that the enthusiasm the subject inspires is not easily communicated and not readily discovered. In the United States, where student math performance is far from stellar, it is easy to see why a compensatory straining at "fun" is more evident than a drive toward illumination.
To attract the uninitiated, a display must be sensuous, readily grasped and memorable. Yet the concepts invoked are often abstract, requiring reflection and explanation. How are these opposing needs to be reconciled? With widely varying results. When I visited the museum twice this week not every display was completed, but the exhibits covered a broad spectrum of achievement. Many on the higher end of that range should be celebrated; much on the lower should be scrutinized and brought up to grade level."
(Thanks, the Mindy Weisberger who is not my cousin!)