A man named Johnny Dixon complained to the Washington Personalized License Plate Committee about the Spinal Tap-homage vanity plate GOES211 on Tony Cava's BMW. Dixon thought Cava was boasting about his penis length. The DOL let Cava keep the plate.
A man identifying himself as Johnny Dixon wasn't thinking "Spinal Tap" when he spotted the plate.
Last October, Dixon emailed the Department of Licensing: "I find it in poor taste that the great state of Washington would issue a plate that allows a driver to insinuate in public that his penis grows to 11 inches in length. The rest of the citizens of Washington should not be subjected to this vulgarity."
And so the case of GOES211 ended up before something called the DOL's Personalized License Plate Committee. Bureaucracies like committees, and lists.
…Asked for comment about his complaint, Dixon emailed back, "What exactly is it that you want to know? I find it disturbing that you can access my emails to the DOL."
Vanity plates: some take too much license [Seattle Times/Erik Lacitis]
(Thanks, Marty!)