Sara from the British Humanist Association sez,
The British Humanist Association is selling the original Atheist Bus Campaign signs.
The controversial campaign was launched in October 2008 and by January 2009 had been the subject of 326 complaints to the Advertising Standards Authority, including a complaint from Stephen Green of Christian Voice(UK) who said "It is given as a statement of fact and that means it must be capable of substantiation if it is not to break the rules." Hanne Stinson of the BHA argued that if the ASA rule on this complaint, then the ASA will be ruling on whether God exists.
Each sign is in two parts and these things are pretty large (3.96 metres x 0.5 metres) â€" they came straight off the side of one of the original Atheist Buses in London.
One has already been promised to the Museum of London, but the others are up for grabs to go on your bedroom wall (if it fits), your roof, on your bus (if you have one), or your really long car!
You can own one of these unique pieces of atheist and humanist history by bidding here now. You can bid from anywhere in the world but remember that you will have to pay for the postage and shipping on top of your bid!
The money raised will all go towards the BHA's work for a secular state, promoting learning about humanism in schools, and the various other BHA campaigns which can be found on our website.
I'm proud to be a lifetime member of the BHA.
Update: in the comments, TacoChuck writes,
While we are on the subject, tangentially at least, there is a humanist children's school in Uganda that could use some support to help buy some land and build a permanent school house:
Kasese Humanist Primary School.
Their motto: With science, we can progress.I have nothing to do with the school, the blog or anything else, I just support the school and its mission in a place where it is very rare and brave to see humanist values so unabashedly supported.
I just sent 'em $100.