Argo 2.0? Former NBA star and noted weirdo Dennis Rodman told ABC News' George Stephanopoulos today that he returned from a trip to North Korea arranged by VICE with a message for President Obama from Kim Jong Un:
"He wants Obama to do one thing: Call him," Rodman told ABC's George Stephanopoulos on "This Week." "He said, 'If you can, Dennis – I don't want [to] do war. I don't want to do war.' He said that to me."
Rodman trolled told Stephanopoulos he thinks the oppressive leader is "awesome," and that he loves Kim Jong Un.
"[Kim] loves basketball," reports The Worm, "And I said the same thing, I said, 'Obama loves basketball.' Let's start there."
"I don't wanna do war," the supreme leader of North Korea told Rodman, according to Rodman. A reboot of ping pong diplomacy wouldn't be a terrible thing.
Former deputy assistant secretary of state and ABC News consultant Col. Steve Ganyard, USMC (Ret.) told ABC's Martha Raddatz the State Department's decision not to debrief Rodman is "ridiculous."
"There is nobody at the CIA who can tell you more personally about Kim Jong Un than Dennis Rodman," Ganyard said, "and that in itself is scary."
You'll want to watch and/or read the entire ABC News interview.
More at "NORTH KOREA HAS A FRIEND IN DENNIS RODMAN AND VICE." One might have imagined they'd gone as far as they could go, with that John McAfee thing. But in this stunt (and that headline), Shane Smith of Vice surely proves himself an even greater troll than Dennis Rodman.
No comment yet from Dennis Rodman's dad, Philander Rodman, who boasts on his website,
– yes, I have fathered 29 children (not 47!) from 16 women, from 4 different Ethnic Groups, and from 3 different countries!!!!
Yes, his name is Philander.
(HT: Gavin Aronsen)