Boing Boing

Twitter's Jack Dorsey confesses to criminal violation of CFAA on "60 Minutes" (sort of)

Firedoglake highlights the moment in Jack Dorsey's recent 60 Minutes profile at which the Twitter co-founder effectively copped to violating the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.

According to some in the US gov, this makes the affable entrepreneur "a greater threat to America than Al-Qaeda."

JACK DORSEY: I found a way into the website, I found a security hole. And –

LARA LOGAN: Is that the same thing as hacking?

JACK DORSEY: It's uh, yes.

As noted in recent Boing Boing posts, CFAA is the wrong-headed, hacker-panic law involved in the cases of both the late Aaron Swartz and Andrew "Weev" Aurenheimer, who just got 3 years in prison for exposing an AT&T security hole.

(HT: @DanSWright)

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