Boing Boing

A code of conduct for young hackers

r00tz is the amazing kid-track of programming at DEFCON, the giant hacker conference held annually in Las Vegas. The organizers have created a "code of conduct" for young hackers that is good advice for anyone doing infosec work, or exploring computers and systems:

The Internet is a small place. Word gets around, fast. Follow these rules at all times:

– Only hack things you own
– Do not hack anything you rely on
– Respect the rights of others
– Know and respect the law
– Find a safe playground (One always exists. If you don't have support from your parents, get their permission to find an adult who will support you.)

There's more, but it's short and sweet. Go read it. The final statement, "r00tz is about creating a better world. You have the power and responsibility to do so. Now go do it! We are here to help you" sums it up nicely.

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