Boing Boing

Plague Inc – a game where you evolve microbes to create a global plague

Gigaom reviews Plague Inc (for iOS ($0.99) and Android (free)).

Plague Inc is not just a game, it is a threat to all life forms on earth and must be taken seriously. It's a strategic simulation game that makes you feel like the whiz kid Matthew Broderick portrayed in the movie War Games. The difference is that in Plague Inc you manufacture a biological end to all life on Earth rather than a nuclear one.

Each game starts out simply: you select and name one of seven different plague types. Each plague opportunity starts out as a simple disease that you need to evolve in order to become a plague. In the beginning, you get to choose the country that the disease attacks first. And that is where the intelligence behind the simulation starts to take root.

Games for the weekend: Plague Inc

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