Boing Boing

Syntax Era, a new sci-fi comicstrip by Ed Piskor and Caitlin Boyle

I've known the cartoonist Caitlin Boyle for a few years and she has sketchbook pages filled with this unnamed robot who had detachable limbs. Looking at those images I could imagine so many possibilities with the character and I'd constantly bug her to make a comic with her creation. As time went by, on a whim I decided to ask Caitlin if I could write a story for her to draw using that character. She agreed and we put our heads together.

Exploring the Douglas Rushkoff idea of "narrative collapse", Syntax Era will be an ongoing series of one page strips in the life of Chaika, the robot protagonist  possessed by, what appears to be, a mysterious spirit. Intentionally out of sequence and solitary in nature each strip can be looked at as a complete work but for the astute reader a richer narrative will develop over time as each subsequent strip is released.

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