Boing Boing

This Day in Blogging History: NASA's Curiosity landing removed from YouTube; Gigantic horrifying hotdog; Anarchist bees

One year ago today

Curiosity landing removed from YouTube after bogus copyright claim by Scripps: Ten minutes after NASA posted a video of the Curiosity landing on Mars to its official YouTube channel, the video was taken down again, replaced with a message saying it had been removed due to a copyright claim by Scripps Local News.

Five years ago today

Gigantic horrifying hotdog — 3.5lbs — is free if you eat it in 4 minutes: If you want to die of meat, you should hie yourself to HillBilly Hotdogs in West Virginia and try the 3.5lb "Homewrecker" dog.

Ten years ago today
Anarchist hives: you have nothing to lose but your royal jelly! "Anarchist bees" are rare genetic mutants that lay eggs even if they're not the queen, and do not destroy the eggs of other anarchist non-queens.

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