Boing Boing

This Day in Blogging History: Secret history of shipping pallets; Con-men's facial expressions; Update on tropical sore

One year ago today

The secret history of shipping pallets: Starting with their origin in the long US supply lines for the Pacific theater in WWII (and the "four way pallet" innovation by Norman Cahners of the Navy Supply Corps) to the modern fights over standardization, innovation, and product design.

Five years ago today

How con-men make their faces look trustworthy: The various ways con men gain their marks' trust, including body language, verbal language, and facial expressions.

Ten years ago today
Update: Mark's tropical island skin afflication: I asked some schoolkids here in Rarotonga if they knew what ringworm looked like, and one little girl had a ringworm sore on her arm and showed it to me. It looks a lot like my sore.

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