Boing Boing

NYT's David Carr on Wikileaks and the journalists who hate them

Daniel Ellsberg, with what may be the quote of the year, in David Carr's New York Times piece today:

By no means was I treated as a hero when I first came forward. I was indicted and spent two years in court," Mr. Ellsberg said in an interview. "But in those days, journalists were not turning on journalists. With Snowden in particular, you have a split between truly independent journalists and those who are tools ā€” and I mean that in every sense of the term ā€” of the government. Toobin and Grunwald are doing the work of the government to maintain relationships and access.

Carr himself has some pretty great lines here:

If the revelations about the N.S.A. surveillance were broken by Time, CNN or The New York Times, executives there would already be building new shelves to hold all the Pulitzer Prizes and Peabodies they expected. Same with the 2010 WikiLeaks video of the Apache helicopter attack.

(via Freedom of the Press Foundation)

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