Over at Wired.com, David Kravets writes about an order by a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) judge demanding that the US government begin to declassify its opinions related to the Patriot Act. The order "means the government likely will have to make public opinions surrounding the court's legal interpretations of Section 215 of the Patriot Act," a controversial provision that allows FISC "to authorize broad warrants for most any type of 'tangible' records, including those held by banks, doctors and phone companies."
Secret spy spy court demands government transparency on surveillance programs
- edward snowden
- fbi
- fisa
- fisc
- nsa
- snowden
- spying
- surveillance
California cops got caught being naughty with their database privileges 7,000+ times in one year
California's finest just can't keep their grubby little fingers off those sweet, sweet database keys! The Electronic Frontier Foundation just dropped a bombshell report showing our boys and girls in… READ THE REST
NSA can track powered-down phones: how to actually protect your privacy
Yesterday I wrote about Privacy Guide's mobile phone privacy and security guide for protesters. Today, Randy Zar, CEO of Faraday pouch manufacturer SLNT wrote: Just want to let you know… READ THE REST
NYC tries to kill traffic cam selfie site, has never heard of Streisand effect
We have previously covered the Traffic Cam Photobooth, which features a map of New York City's traffic cameras and instructions for taking "selfies" with them. The site is fun, but… READ THE REST
Flowcharts, org charts, and more — Visio makes it all make sense
TL;DR: Microsoft Visio Professional 2024 helps you turn your data into a clear narrative, with a special low price through February 23rd. Drowning in spreadsheets? Staring at a mountain of raw data… READ THE REST
Give your home a serious revamp with this color-changing LED floor lamp
TL;DR: Save over 53% on this LED corner floor lamp that could give your home a serious revamp in the new year, now $69.99 (reg. $149). Moving into a new apartment in the new year?… READ THE REST
Get Microsoft Office with a lifetime license for $60
TL;DR: Skip the subscription stress and get Microsoft Office Professional 2021 with all your favorite productivity tools for $59.97. Why rent when you can own it for life? Until February 23, score… READ THE REST