Sandro Lisi is a fixer for Toronto Mayor Rob "Laughable Bumblefuck" Ford — the crack-smoking, racist, homophobic, distracted-driving, publicly drunken, ass-grabbing embarrassment who rules Toronto with a sloppy fist. On Tuesday, Toronto cops arrested Lisi for "marijuana trafficking, possession of the proceeds of crime, possession of marijuana and conspiracy to commit an indictable offence"; he was arrested with Jamshid Bahrami, charged with "possession of cocaine, three counts of trafficking in marijuana and conspiracy to commit an indictable offence."
Lisi reportedly boasted of selling drugs to the mayor, and he drives a black Range Rover acquired from an ex-drug-addict whom he reportedly supplied. Lisi, who has a history of arrests for violence against women, worked as a part-time driver and security guard for the mayor, and had been tasked by the mayor with seeking out the notorious video that showed the mayor smoking crack and uttering racial slurs about the kids on the football team he coached.
Lisi has a lengthy record of interaction with police including convictions for threatening and assaulting women. He has acted as an occasional driver and security guard for the mayor, showing up the morning the crack video scandal broke and shadowing the mayor as reporters sought comment.
He also drove the mayor to and from the Garrison Ball, an event where Ford was asked to leave because he appeared impaired.
…In one attempt to retrieve the video, soon after news of its existence broke on May 16, Lisi paid visits to the Etobicoke house where a group of men from the Dixon Rd. community involved in the crack cocaine trade were known to hang out. The bungalow is home to Fabio and Elena Basso, both friends of Ford.
"Where are the guys who made the video, Fab?" Lisi said, according to a witness who was present. "You know where they are."
Fabio Basso, a quiet man, was nervous. "They're gone. Out of town. Gone to Windsor," said Basso. The Star does not know what Lisi did with that information.
A day later, just before midnight, Fabio, his girlfriend, and Fabio's mother were assaulted by an unknown attacker brandishing an expandable baton who broke into their home. No charges have been laid in the attack.
Mayor Rob Ford's friend Sandro Lisi, who sought video, one of two arrested in Etobicoke [Kevin Donovan/Toronto Star]