Prequel to Battling Boy: Rise of Aurora West

You saw how much I loved Paul Pope's new graphic novel Battling Boy. Now, Gina from FirstSecond sez, "The world introduced in Battling Boy is rife with monsters and short on heroes . . . but in THE RISE OF AURORA WEST, the fast-paced and adventure-filled extension of Paul Pope's BATTLING BOY universe, we see it through a new pair of eyes: those of Aurora West, daughter of Arcopolis's last great hero, Haggard West. A prequel to BATTLING BOY, THE RISE OF AURORA WEST follows the young hero as she seeks to uncover the mystery of her mother's death, and to find her place in a world overrun with supernatural monsters and all-too-human corruption."

FirstSecond's given us an exclusive, uncopyedited early page from Aurora West — check it out after the jump!