Boing Boing

Lesbian Feminist Haunted House: Kill Joy's Kastle

Toronto artist Allyson Mitchell has erected a "Lesbian Feminist Haunted House" called Kill Joy's Kastle. It's a response to the evangelical "Hell Houses," put up to scare people away from "sin" (especially teh gay).

Wrapping this American Gothic Hell House tradition with yard upon illustrated, elaborately decorated yard of spirited craft aesthetic, Mitchell mobilizes her "deep lez" commitment to radical queer world-making potential. Through it, she conjures new kinds of representations of feminist sexuality and queer concepts of community and activism.

Rug-hooked, crocheted, and paper maché'd constructions are womb-like wonders for visitations of the undead lesbian community, who are hell-bent on remaining nightmarishly non-assimilated. Casting the spells of freaky feminist skill sharing and paranormal consciousness raising together with ghouls, bio-engineered monsters, indoctrinators, and avengers, this hell house is designed to pervert, not convert."

Kill Joy's Castle: Lesbian Feminist Haunted House in Toronto is a creative response to Evangelical Hell Houses

(Thanks, Harknell!)

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