Boing Boing

Web Literacy Standard 1.0 from Mozilla

Mozilla has shipped the 1.0 of its Web Literacy Standard: "a map of the territory for the skills and competencies Mozilla and community think are important to get better at to more effectively read, write & participate on the Web." It's a noble effort, and it's meant to be a baseline for people who want to develop teaching programs, curriculum, and identify Web resources that will aid in promoting Web literacy.

Participating on the web

Sharing and Collaborating Jointly creating and providing access to web resources:
Sharing a resource using an appropriate tool and format for the audience
Tracking changes made to co-created web resources
Choosing a web tool to use for a particular contribution/collaboration
Co-creating web resources
Configuring notifications to keep up to date with community spaces and interactions
Using synchronous and asynchronous tools to communicate with web communities, networks and groups

Community Participation Getting involved in web communities and understanding their practices:
Encouraging participation in web communities
Using constructive criticism in a group or community setting
Configuring settings within tools used by online communities
Participating in both synchronous and asynchronous discussions
Expressing opinions appropriately in web discussions
Defining different terminology used within online communities

Privacy Examining the consequences of sharing data online:
Identifying rights retained and removed through user agreements
Taking steps to secure non-encrypted connections
Explaining ways in which computer criminals are able to gain access to user information
Managing the digital footprint of an online persona
Identifying and taking steps to keep important elements of identity private

Announcing the Web Literacy Standard (specification)

(via /.)

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