LINE is a Twitter-like service chat app popular in Asia. @hirakujira discovered that its Chinese-language client, Lianwo, had a file listing 24 150 forbidden phrases that set to trigger an error reading "Your message contains sensitive words, please adjust and send again" (though this was not yet enabled). The Blocked on Weibo Tumblr has begun a series of posts listing every one of these banned phrases and explaining their context — for example, Zhejiang's receipt-signing Brother (浙江签单哥) refers to an embezzlement scandal involving Zhejiang's Vice Minister of Propaganda.
*浙江签单哥 / Zhejiang's receipt-signing Brother
*警察杜平 / Police Dupin; 宣恩杀人现场 / Xuanen murder scene
*叶迎春内衣 / Ye Yingchun underwear; 叶迎春 / Ye Yingchun
*孙国相拆迁 / Sun Guoxiang demolition
*中央领导内幕 / Central leadership insider
*盘锦开枪 / Panjin shot; 四学者建言 / Four scholars suggestions;
*盘锦二表哥姜伟华 / Panjin, Second Watch Brother: Jiang Weihua; 姜伟华名表 / Jiang Weihua namebrand watches; 江诗丹顿 表叔 / Vacheron Constantin uncle
*只身挡坦克 / Tanks block alone
*爆料不孝女 / Expose: unfilial daughter; 爆料朱熹后人 竟是政协委员 / Expose: Zhu Xi's descendants, suddenly CPPCC committee members
*人大附中择校费杨东平 / Renmin High School, school choice fees; Yang Dongping
*奥数叫而不停 / Complaints about Math Olympiad have not ceased
*帝都 实行宵禁 / Imperial Capital implements night curfew
*11月5日至15日 出租车禁行 / Nov 5 to 15 rental cars banned; 表叔 陈应春 / Uncle Chen Yingchun
*江泽民被控制 / Jiang Zemin has been controlled; 江系军委被撤 / Jiang withdraws from Military Commission
*张蓓莉200万耳环 / Zhang Peili 2 million RMB salary; 温家 戴梦得 / Wen [Jiabao] Diamond; 温家宝 27亿 / Wen Jiabao 2.7 billion [USD]; 影帝温家 / Actor Wen Jiabao; 温家 资产700亿 / Wen Jiabao assets 70 billion
*网络封锁 / Internet blockade
*维族 砍人 / Uyghurs stab people
*和田 暴乱 / Hotan rebellion
*万鄂湘亚视 / Wan Exiang, Asia Television Limited
*李正源李刚 / Li Zhengyuan, Li Gang; 交警夏坤 / Traffic cop Xia Kun
*64屠城 / June 4 massacre
*中南海保密风暴内幕 / Zhongnanhai secret behind the scenes tempest
*胡江权斗 / Hu-Jiang power struggle
*中国联邦革命党 / China Federation Revolutionary Party
The Chinese keywords on messaging app LINE's "bad words" list and why they are "bad"
(via Beyond the Beyond)