Boing Boing

Google ordered to block images of Max Mosley "Nazi Orgy"

Max Mosley, former Formula 1 chief and son of Britain's most famous fascist politician, is seemingly addicted to the Streisand Effect: for years he's been trying to wipe something about him from the collective media consciousness, thereby ensuring that it is never far from it.

A French court on Wednesday ruled that Google must remove from its search results photos of a former Formula One racing chief participating in an orgy. Max Mosley, one-time president of the International Automobile Federation, sued Google in 2011, requesting that the company automatically filter links to a 2008 British newspaper report that included photos and a video of Mosley participating in a Nazi-themed sex party.

Google must now filter out nine images of the event from its search results in France.

Good luck to you, Mr. Mosley.

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