Bundle of Holding — a name-your-price download service — is currently promoting a collection of family-friendly RPGs, including several games that are suitable for age 5 and up. Ten percent of the purchase price goes to two worthy kids' charities (Save the Children and St Jude's Children's Hospital), and you can choose how much you pay (the recommended payment is $17). If you give more than $14.14, you get six bonus games, as well. Click through below for a list of the games in the bundle:
* Hero Kids: An ideal introduction to fantasy roleplaying for children aged 4 to 10.
* Mermaid Adventures: Exciting undersea adventures and strange mysteries. (Ages 6-11.)
* The Princes' Kingdom: Young heirs to the throne of Islandia, visiting the citizens of their land and solving problems. This bundle is the first .PDF version of The Princes' Kingdom sold anywhere! (Ages 5+, plus an adult.)
* Happy Birthday, Robot!: The charming storytelling game by Daniel Solis for families or classrooms. (Ages 9+ — and especially good for grownups.)Bonus games:
* Adventures in Oz – Fantasy Roleplaying Beyond the Yellow Brick Road: A loving journey into the lands of L. Frank Baum. (Ages 8+.)
* Camp Myth: The RPG: Third Eye's adaptation of the Chris Lewis Carter YA novel series about mythic creatures at summer camp. (Ages 8-13.)
* Project Ninja Panda Taco: Jennifer (Jennisodes) Steen's game of competing Masterminds and their biddable Minions. (Ages 8+.)
* School Daze: It's high school the way you wish it could be. (Ages 13+.)
* The Zorcerer of Zo: Chad Underkoffler's classic game of fairy tales set in the Zantabulous Land of Zo. (Ages 5+.)
Family-Friendly RPGs – teach your kids roleplaying
(via Wil Wheaton)