Boing Boing

Interview with Sol Yurick, author of The Warriors

Geoff from BLDGBLOG sez, "A few years ago, I interviewed novelist Sol Yurick, author of The Warriors, for BLDGBLOG — but a variety of circumstances meant it just sat in my hard drive for the past four years. But after rediscovering the interview in my old files, and after Yurick himself passed away back in January, it seemed like there was no time like the present to publish this, finally."

So, albeit posthumous, here is an interview with Sol Yurick that I hope represents and encapsulates his incredibly wide-ranging intellect and breadth of ideas, as we go from the gang territories of The Warriors all the way back to Dante's Divine Comedy — which Yurick awesomely recasts as a kind of complicated financial allegory, twinning Christian cosmology with Renaissance banking practices — and forward again through everything from Truman Capote's In Cold Blood (recast as a snapshot of the early days of agribusiness) to some amazing off-the-cuff remarks about the peculiar space-time of money and global monetary transactions.

Conic Sections: An Interview with Sol Yurick

The Warriors: A novel [Amazon]

The Warriors Director's Cut [Amazon]

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