Boing Boing

Three post-psychedelic freakout 45 records

Music historian Derek See examines three post-psychedelic freakout 45 records from his collection: River Deep's "Take A Ride," Kannibal Komix "Neurotic Reaction," and Plant & See's "Put Out My Fire." Links to MP3s are included.

Certain aspects of music got VERY strange in the late '60's-early '70's; changing sounds and trends brought about big changes in the type of records that were pushed as hit singles.

Records intended for the AM radio market cranked up the ODD-ometer, and some downright FREAKY tracks were released which never became hits but survive as relics from a very different age. An age where remnants of the psychedelic sound mated with bubblegum songcraft and a pinch of the 'HEAVY' rock (without the …'n' roll) fused together.

First up in this installment is River Deep's 'Take A Ride', which is essentially 2:35 of very dirty innuendo on top of a high energy beat track. This appears to be the only record by River Deep, so I'm assuming they were a studio concoction (as were so many of these types of records).

Derek's Weekly 45's: post-psychedelic freakout 45's, part 1

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