Here's On the Road for 17,527 Miles, a 45 page ebook of driving directions for recreating the journey of Sal Paradise in Jack Kerouac's 1957 classic On the Road. Its author, German college student Gregor Weichbrodt, is selling it as a print-on-demand title via Lulu, in case you want a hardcopy to take with on your trip.
Gregor Weichbrodt, a German college student, took all of the geographic stops mentioned in On the Road, plugged them into Google Maps, and ended up with a 45-page manual of driving directions, divided into chapters paralleling those of Kerouac's original book. You can read the manual – On the Road for 17,527 Miles– as a free ebook.
Jack Kerouac's On The Road Turned Into Google Driving Directions & Published as a Free eBook [Open Culture]
(via Sean Bonner)