The Catholic Archdiocese of Newark is shutting down its schools due to lack of funding, but it still has a fortune it can use to build a small palace for its archbishop John J Myers, who is soon to retire after a career whose highlights include dismissing victims of sexual abuse and shielding abusing priests. Also, he insists on being addressed as "Your Grace." He's a made-in-America version of Germany's disgraced "Luxury Bishop."
Archbishop of Newark builds himself a palace while the church shuts down schools for lack of funding
- christ what an asshole
- class war
- corruption
- nj
- one percent
- religion
- short
Cop who refused to honor the "get out of jail" cards that NYPD officers sell wins $175k settlement after retaliation
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Clarence Thomas and Sam Alito star in "Oh, Clarence!"
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Neighbor flags inconsistencies in Alito's story
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This VPN router is the key to getting the 'Spider-Man' movies back on Netflix!
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Upgrade your life for $25 with a 1-year Sam's Club membership with auto-renew
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Don't miss a year of Microsoft 365 for $39.97 with 1TB of cloud storage
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