My friend Dale Dougherty, founder of MAKE Magazine and creator of Maker Faire, went to Sochi with his wife, Nancy. He wrote a long, fascinating account of their stay in Russia for Medium. He included lots of pictures.
"You are such a sports fan," Nancy said to me, as though she just noticed it after 30+ years. I do love and hate being a sports fan. I'm conflicted. I'm not always sure why I like to watch sports — and it is as a spectator that I'm most intensely involved.
The conflict for me is that I really don't care anymore who wins or loses. This is true in the Super Bowl, World Series and the Olympics. I don't have a team I'm rooting for. I'm looking for something else and I think I realized what it is at the Russian Olympics.
It's hard to watch the Olympics on TV in America because of the way they package it for Americans, trying to develop a sense that we are rooting for our country and making a connection to American athletes. So much is fabricated, and I wanted to see beyond that. I didn't come to root for TeamUSA, although I do care what Americans are doing and how American athletes are competing. But it is not why I came to Sochi.
The Russian Olympics: Observations of a Perplexed Spectator